The US Ed system has been systemically corrupted and infiltrated with "agenda" - just as enemy nations that seek to destroy the US planned. No longer can citizens blow off any election, especially at local levels including school board. Having kids homeschooled or in private school is one immediate solution. We can't turn our back on the public system or the nation will fall. All the students need to be raised to honor and protect the US (see how that was targeted and destroyed in public schools over the last 16+ years).
Sad if true now days! Life did NOT happen accidentally! If you believe it now, so sad! How can anyone buy that garbage without being deranged? Really? I, and you, choose what to believe! No question about it, yes we are told or taught, but we all inherently can reason if we choose. It can be difficult to do so objectively. Our desires CAN and will be involved if not extremely careful! Eventually our own desires WILL effectively rule us, even unknowingly. Christ Himself early in the book of Colossians, as reported by Paul, said “I AM before all things, and I hold all things together “. The evolutionary explanation for life’s beginning is statistically impossible, ridiculous, in my humble opinion, but I am not you.
I agree with all of this but I think the reason it is so very entrenched is because so many families live for the "kids to get in school" so the parents are free to pursue paychecks.
Typically home schooled kids are better rounded to lead outside the home. Having our children home schooled for 2 years as we avoided the problems that arose in our public school was the best decision we could have made. We moved from that location entering in a new school system that was not hostile toward our children. Home schooled children have a tendency to read better and use cognitive skills to approach problems. Reading is fundamental! Speaking to your children about world issues broadens their ability to think with tools of many cultures. It should be presented in a way to take from successful cultures to strengthen the US culture. Home schoolers are normally instructed with God’s creation as their foundation of learning. “Abeka” is a good learning help and program to use in home schooling.
The K-12 school system is a mess but it is also needed in a democracy. Here is what I would do to begin to fix:
1. Break the hold that colleges and universities have on teacher certification by creating a rigorous federal certification program that upon completion would enable these teachers to teach in every state. Incentivize the program with loan forgiveness programs and bonuses for effective teaching.
2. K-5 would focus on making every student a proficient reader by 4th grade and proficient in basic mathematics. These would be the main focus with history, science and the arts helping to achieve these goals.
3. Create a 4 quarter school year from 6th grade to 12th grade that is much like college. Students would have certain requirements to meet in history, math, science, etc and then could also select courses that interest them depending on Paths they wanted to pursue. So there might be a 4 yr college path, a trades path, etc. students would have to earn credits to graduate, some might graduate in the 7 year period others might take longer and some shorter.
4. Make this degree mean something again with incentives for achievement such as college tuition or money to start a business or go into the trades. For example someone who graduates with exceptional performance on the Trades path might receive a living allowance to use while learning to become an electrician or plumber.
Hey anonymous guy calling yourself “unschool” this writing from you is a fantasy narrative you fabricated in your imagination. It is clear that you have served no role in public education and are not remotely informed or equipped to assess its challenges. Anyone involved in public education instantly recognizes that you’re only pretending in your imagination to know what you’re typing about here.
The US Ed system has been systemically corrupted and infiltrated with "agenda" - just as enemy nations that seek to destroy the US planned. No longer can citizens blow off any election, especially at local levels including school board. Having kids homeschooled or in private school is one immediate solution. We can't turn our back on the public system or the nation will fall. All the students need to be raised to honor and protect the US (see how that was targeted and destroyed in public schools over the last 16+ years).
It's about churning out tax paying worker bees, and influencing ideas. Real education starts with the self, usually in ones 20s.
Sad if true now days! Life did NOT happen accidentally! If you believe it now, so sad! How can anyone buy that garbage without being deranged? Really? I, and you, choose what to believe! No question about it, yes we are told or taught, but we all inherently can reason if we choose. It can be difficult to do so objectively. Our desires CAN and will be involved if not extremely careful! Eventually our own desires WILL effectively rule us, even unknowingly. Christ Himself early in the book of Colossians, as reported by Paul, said “I AM before all things, and I hold all things together “. The evolutionary explanation for life’s beginning is statistically impossible, ridiculous, in my humble opinion, but I am not you.
I agree with all of this but I think the reason it is so very entrenched is because so many families live for the "kids to get in school" so the parents are free to pursue paychecks.
Typically home schooled kids are better rounded to lead outside the home. Having our children home schooled for 2 years as we avoided the problems that arose in our public school was the best decision we could have made. We moved from that location entering in a new school system that was not hostile toward our children. Home schooled children have a tendency to read better and use cognitive skills to approach problems. Reading is fundamental! Speaking to your children about world issues broadens their ability to think with tools of many cultures. It should be presented in a way to take from successful cultures to strengthen the US culture. Home schoolers are normally instructed with God’s creation as their foundation of learning. “Abeka” is a good learning help and program to use in home schooling.
The K-12 school system is a mess but it is also needed in a democracy. Here is what I would do to begin to fix:
1. Break the hold that colleges and universities have on teacher certification by creating a rigorous federal certification program that upon completion would enable these teachers to teach in every state. Incentivize the program with loan forgiveness programs and bonuses for effective teaching.
2. K-5 would focus on making every student a proficient reader by 4th grade and proficient in basic mathematics. These would be the main focus with history, science and the arts helping to achieve these goals.
3. Create a 4 quarter school year from 6th grade to 12th grade that is much like college. Students would have certain requirements to meet in history, math, science, etc and then could also select courses that interest them depending on Paths they wanted to pursue. So there might be a 4 yr college path, a trades path, etc. students would have to earn credits to graduate, some might graduate in the 7 year period others might take longer and some shorter.
4. Make this degree mean something again with incentives for achievement such as college tuition or money to start a business or go into the trades. For example someone who graduates with exceptional performance on the Trades path might receive a living allowance to use while learning to become an electrician or plumber.
Hey anonymous guy calling yourself “unschool” this writing from you is a fantasy narrative you fabricated in your imagination. It is clear that you have served no role in public education and are not remotely informed or equipped to assess its challenges. Anyone involved in public education instantly recognizes that you’re only pretending in your imagination to know what you’re typing about here.
She’s 78 now so that would have been a while ago. I think things have deteriorated since.
We do not live on a spinning ball of water.