You’ll love what’s brewing next since Trump took office. You’re about to have more choices than ever before for your child’s education through School Choice initiatives.
Have you ever had to move your family from a bad school district to a good one because your child's school was abhorrent?
Did your “assigned” school teach Critical Race Theory or try to cram gender ideology down your child’s throat inappropriately? Did the education your children got not rival other countries that don't have DEI practices for hiring teachers, and that passed up the U.S. in key areas like math, science, and reading? Do the teachers at your school promote political activism or their social agenda over teaching your children key learning they need to survive in 2025 and beyond?
Have you had to spend thousands to tens of thousands of dollars on tutoring programs, private school, or an alternate way to educate your child because the school in your district didn’t meet the bare minimum needs for proper education?
In this Deskooled podcast, Corey DeAngelis speaks about School Choice Week, and the ways Americans can finally count on their schools to do better.
Fortunately, 26 governors from Alabama and Texas to Alaska and Montana have issued a proclamation declaring this National School Choice Week as well, with plans to implement laws that will support more choice for parents and students alike.
What’s School Choice?
School Choice has seen more progress in the past three years than in the entire three previous decades. It’s a collection of policies that allow parents to use funds normally earmarked for public school education on any program that best fits their child’s education needs.
Instead of being restricted to a school near your home that may be underperforming, or a government-assigned school, you can choose from the following, saving money on tuition through tax credits when you don’t utilize your “district” or appointed school:
Public Schools
Charter Schools
Private Schools
Online learning
School Choice is funded by Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) which are state-funded accounts parents can use for tuition, tutoring, online learning, special needs services, and other educational costs.
With additional competition and accountability, not only do parents get to choose a better school for their child, but underperforming schools have no choice but to improve or to become obsolete.
This increase in interest in School Choice is largely due to teachers unions pushing for extended school closures during COVID-19, leading parents to seek other education alternatives.
So while the Deep State, and infiltrated school boards were lying to us all about COVID, and our children were robbed of a good education and healthy socialization, there may be a silver lining to the school closures caused by this mayhem.
Why School Choice is Critical
International assessments, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), have revealed that students in countries like Singapore, Finland, South Korea, and Canada outperform American students on almost every metric measured.
Aside from the laughable amount of money spent on DEI, school bureaucracies instead of quality teachers, and the infiltration of illegal immigrants into our school system, the rigor of our education has suffered as we’ve lowered our standards to the lowest common denominator rather than raising low-performing schools and students to a high mark.
Countries like Finland hire highly trained educators, often requiring teachers to have master’s degrees and extensive classroom experience before they step in front of a class.
In the U.S. states and even districts within states create their own standards. This is why you’ll see woke ideology taught in some schools and not others, for example.
Japan and China also teach problem-solving and critical thinking, not just how to regurgitate memorized facts. They essentially teach children how to think and ask questions so that they can teach themselves.
American schools emphasize standardized tests which favor memorized facts over creativity, students who can make correlations between seemingly unrelated fields of study, and other critical thinking skills.
Funding is also heavily skewed in favor of some schools, while others are left in financial ruin with fewer resources for students.
Congressman Chuck Edwards and others have advocated for School Choice so that all American children can have the best possible education.
It’s a great start to recover our children’s education and lives after the Deep State fallout from a manufactured pandemic. For School Choice to succeed, we’ll need to push it nationwide, with real accountability coming from empowered parents, not government oversight.
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