Over the past several years, higher education in America has taken a significant turn for the worst. Across college campuses, young people are being indoctrinated with DEI curricula, while missing out on real teachings that would best equip them for the real world.
It gets even more troubling, though. The past two years have seen a rise in violent political riots breaking out across colleges and universities. These demonstrations typically spiral so far out of control that classes have to be shut down for the safety of everyone involved. Over time, this deprives students of the education that they’re paying tens of thousands of dollars to receive.
At this point, whether or not higher education can be pulled back from the brink remains to be seen. Though a chilling new study is raising red flags across the nation.
Private Universities Are a Trap
For quite some time, it’s been believed that higher priced, more prestigious facilities will yield better outcomes for their attendees. Young people who attend expensive colleges are promised the world and told they’ll enjoy better lives than students who go to university in their hometowns.
Nevertheless, a direct correlation exists between costly colleges and the radicalization of young people. In other words, a person who ends up going to a prestigious Ivy League is more likely to embrace narcissism and extremist ideologies than a graduate from any Middle America college.
Many expensive higher learning facilities across the nation have suffered from violent political riots and homeless encampments. Neither of these things are conducive to getting a real education. Though they do place students in danger and cause schools to discontinue classes for extended time periods.
Parental Involvement is Essential
When young people opt to attend college and university, their parents need to be mindful of which schools are being considered. Harvard and Stanford aren’t necessarily the best picks simply because they’re among the most expensive.
Many of these schools that claim to be elite and better than the rest aren’t living up to the hype. They’re warehousing students and collecting top dollar; all the while, political agitators and other bad actors are repeatedly creating unsafe learning environments for everyone.
These prestigious Ivy Leagues don’t truly equip students to do well in the real world. Far too often, we see these environments brainwash young people to hate America and believe in the radical, dogmatic principles that DEI upholds.
For quite some time, many parents haven’t been aware of what’s really happening at so-called elite universities. Yet, as these problems spiral further and further out of control, more folks are waking up and looking out for their children accordingly.
There’s Only One Way to Change the Narrative
For years, colleges and universities have been given pointers about what they’re doing wrong. They’ve been told that embracing wokeness and teaching impressional minds to despise the United States isn’t the way to go. Nonetheless, expensive Ivy Leagues shamelessly ignore concerned citizens and say we’re too stupid to weigh in on academia.
All things considered, it doesn’t make sense for young people to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to attend these facilities. Universities of this ilk don’t truly value education; instead, they’re immensely fixated on controlling young minds.
They’d rather mold students into obedient foot soldiers for the system instead of providing an education that’s worth the money being paid.
Don’t Shy Away From Other Alternatives
For far too long, the powers that be have told young people one big lie: “the only way you’ll have a chance at a good future is by attending a college or university.” Moreover, it’s been drilled in the minds of young people that seeking the most expensive form of higher education yields the greatest long term rewards.
As we’re all starting to see, none of this is true. In fact, there are so many Americans who built nice lives for themselves by learning trades, undergoing apprenticeships, or even starting their own businesses.
Taking on a mountain of debt and being exposed to academic leaders with a political axe to grind is not a prerequisite to the American Dream. In fact, these things have a way of holding young people back and making it harder for them to succeed in the long run.
Expensive colleges, at the end of the day, are not all they’re cracked up to be. Parents across the country should be letting their children know about this. Moreover, they should closely consider which schools their kids attend and how much money they have to cough up for it.
The only way these elite and prestigious universities will course correct is when fewer and fewer people apply. Without students, there’s no money coming in. Without money coming in, even the most costly Ivy Leagues won’t be able to operate or pay out-of-touch professors.
Though it may not seem this way, we the people have the ultimate power to change higher education in America. Withdrawing from the corrupt system by refusing to pay or go into debt for it sends a very resounding message to those at the very top.
Unfortunately, many universities have been infiltrated by the DEI brigade (feminists in social sciences) who have moved into administration and they are the gatekeepers for hiring new professors by serving as chairs of search committees. They get a bump in salary and also screen out anyone who doesn’t fit the DEI mold.
Universities and Ed system were targeted along with media networks, celebs etc. to help instill "wokeness". Money is at the root - offered $$$ in "support" but required in return to push the woke plans. Ed system is money hungry like most everyone. Find the ultimate source of the funding, find the root of all demise in the US. Consider an enemy nation that has nearly inexhaustible funds from the profits of producing nearly all our goods for decades. The answer is on the "Made in... " label. Just check.