Where do you think the radical Marxists in legacy media, the government, the military, the medical and scientific establishment, religion, and virtually all Western institutions come from?
People are not born Marxists. They’re not born racists. They’re not born seething with hatred unless they happen to be demon seeds–which is about as likely as being born a hermaphrodite. If people aren’t born to hate–hate is to a Neo-Marxist what skin color is to a racist–they have to learn it somewhere, right?
Do they learn it at home? They can. But how many card-carrying Neo-Marxist couples do you know who consciously teach their children to be hateful little dividers masquerading as knights in shining armor mounted on moral high horses?
It’s a trick question. Change “Neo-Marxist” to “Progressive” or even “Staunch Democrat” and you might recognize that some of your co-workers, neighbors, and government officials might just fit the bill. The umbrella term for all of these monikers is “Leftist,” and they are Legion.
So, where do all the Leftists come from? Is it a political/cultural heritage hounded down through the generations? That wouldn’t account for the rapid proliferation of Leftist tendencies in the past several decades. To account for that, the current outbreak can be traced to 1923 when the Woke mind virus “escaped’ from the labs of the Marxist Frankfurt School.
According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory, is a philosophical and sociological movement spread across many universities around the world. It was originally located at the Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung), an attached institute at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The Institute was founded in 1923 thanks to a donation by Felix Weil with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. After 1933, the Nazis forced its closure, and the Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality at Columbia University in New York City.
Put another way, Critical Theory found a home in the good old USA when the Nazis kicked the Communist group out of Germany. Maybe that’s why the knee-jerk reaction of so many Leftists is to point a finger and shout, “Nazi!” to anyone who stands in their way.
Why nobody bothered to squash the Frankfurt School before it metastasized and spread through Western culture like aggressive cancer has little to do with academic freedom–once upon a time a virtue of higher education–and a lot to do with the false piety of pseudo-intellectuals in need of something with which to feed their egos.
Most of the theories leftists advocate are so obscure and nonsensical that only the desperate gravitate to them. Critical Theory is the last refuge of wannabe intellectuals and lost children looking for a place to call home.
The failure of real intellectuals to eradicate the Woke mind virus before it spread is the main reason why so many people have fallen victim to the Frankfurt School’s long march through Western institutions–many without even knowing it.
You Are Racist
It’s common practice today–thanks in large part to Donald Trump–to bemoan mainstream media as “fake news” and consign it to the realm of Leftist lackeys. There’s nothing wrong with this because it’s true. But it’s missing the bigger picture.
Elon Musk sees the bigger picture and the fact that he’s the self-made richest man in the world testifies to that fact. Here’s another fact: “What the legacy media did to American race relations is evil.”
Musk’s reply: “Yes. But it originates in education.”
That mainstream media's obsession with race leads to more racism doesn't take a genius to deduce. When people are constantly harangued by Leftist media outlets that they’re racist– whether they know it or not–it’s bound to make them hyperaware of race.
Ibram X. Kendi’s bestselling How To Be An Antiracist is a potent example. Mainstream critics lauded the book, even though its founding premise is absurd: everyone is a racist, period. To overcome the affliction you have to become an “antiracist.”
How? According to Kendi, racism is "like fighting an addiction, being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination."
See how being hyperaware of racism will eventually make you a racist? If you keep calling yourself a racist, you’ll subsequently believe it. Division is a Marxist tactic and it works. Dividing a person against themselves by vilifying them to themselves is a Trojan horse disguised as moral high ground.
That’s why they teach division in school.
From the University to the Grade School
Vladimir Lenin, the godfather of Marxism, is attributed with saying, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”
When talking about education, Musk isn't just talking about universities. It’s gone far beyond that since 1923. It starts at the university and trickles down to kindergarten.
Have you ever wondered why so many public school teachers are bent on transforming kids into woke Marxists? Here’s the answer: schools of education.
According to a report by Jay Schalin, “The Politicization of University Schools of Education,” future teachers are transformed into leftist ideologues in college.
“Education schools are fundamental to all education,” Schalin notes. “Teacher education has become one of the most politicized corners of academia, an institution that is already out of step with the rest of the country politically.”
Sponsored by the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, Schalin’s report makes it clear that university schools of education are central to the left’s plan to transform America into a dystopian nightmare.
“Education schools are leading the charge to ‘transform’ the nation,” Schalin observes, “and that transformation is not leading us to a better, freer, more prosperous, more humane society.”
It’s leading us down the road to ruin. According to Schalin, we’ve been heading down that road for a long while now — too long.
“It started over 100 years ago in the Progressive era,” Schalin continued, “when the education schools first emerged as a body of experts who focused on ‘teaching’ as a science; many of those experts were socialists who were open about their intentions to change the nation.”
They want to end us.
Elon Musk can say a lot in a few words. Let’s see what happens in the new Trump administration where Musk will be playing a key role. Defunding the Department of Education is a good start, but it won't be enough.
The Leftists are dug into education like Viet Cong in the jungles of their homeland. This is America and the Left must be rooted out. Anything less is only delaying their victory.
Patriots need to get involved at the grassroots level. School choice, school board elections, library watchdogs, and more. Trump can clip the wings of the Department of Ed or even euthanize it, and then the real battle will start right in your neighborhood.
Be ready.
Evil is rooted in sociopathy not education, political philosophy or any where else. Evil comes from an internal screwup in perception where the coding switch for recognition of others as having equal value to oneself has been turned off. In most it is there when one is born. It is a roll of genetic dice and while there is some evidence as an inherited trait, sociopathic personality can emerge just as easily from non-sociopathic parents. These people are predators using others as stepping-stones to advance their own path through society gaining power and authority. The condition is a spectrum with some being closer to pathological sociopaths easily recognized like Fauci. Most are less extended on the spectrum and become followers of those who are further to the extreme. Then there are the cultural sociopaths that come from wealthy families. These individuals lack normal human interactions that self-educate on the worth of others and family pressures force a focus on holding onto wealth they did not earn but fear losing at any cost.
It only appears that evil seems rooted in education or in politics as those who are sociopathic can find an environment there in which they can manipulated their own success. Non-profits are typical sociopathic feeding grounds.